Directed by Marielle Heller, diary of a teenage girl depicts a girl's sexual and artistic awakening, without judgment. Set in post-hippy mid-70s San Francisco, the afterglow of the Summer of Love, The cinematography and colour pallets used in this film are beautifully put together, I noted that green is a colour that reflects happiness in this film and blue of love and sadness.
The film truly emulates the whirlwind effect of teenage years, the ability to feel every emotion and understand nun of it. The lead character Minnie keeps an audio diary and tells it all her inner thoughts. She desires to have sex but feels that she is fat and unattractive. Like most people she longs for love, acceptance, a sense of purpose in the world.
Although under the uncomfortable premise of her seducing her mothers 35 year old boyfriend, the topic of sex is delt with in refreshing way, with her being somewhat liberated and in control at such a young age.
The film is thoroughly honest, which I appreciate it doesn't sugar coat any issues, but it includes strong sexual content, dialogue, graphic nudity, drug use, language and drinking meaning the rating for this film is an 18, hence younger teenagers can not appreciate it.