I want to embody every moment
with the perfect music to reflect the mood
the perfect flicker of eyelashes
and beats to breath
to show hurled up in a corner
to purge blood
to draw red with a compas
to sniff back mucus
to cry underwater
to hold my eats and nose in a bath
to witness a hearbreak
and then break your own
to regret
to wish
to dream
to have dreams crushed
to panic and worry
to cram before an exam
and debate eating raw meat to get out of a spanish test
to confine in another
to sing along in an echoed house
to be the prettiest and feel the ugliest
to look outside a suburban window on a stary night and debate if the red light is rudolf in march
to fall in lust
to wear an american apparel hoodie like an engagment ring
to smoke the first cigarret in the bushes in the park
to dazed away summer days in a circle segregated boy girl boy girl
to spend lunchtimes alone in cuboards
to skip lunch
to ask her why her mascara ran after the loo after dinner
to run around the track so fast
to have a best friend who understands everything about you
to make shit youtube videos in your room
to bake cakes drunk
to play with recreational substances
and feed goldfish pasta
to walk alone
to be unaware of weeks passing
to feel like bicarbonate of soda
to faint to fall and forcefed
to sleep summers away
to fall out with them all
arguments over LG cookies
hair glitter mascara
first kiss at year 8 disco
to run away from him at the cross
to throw up and then kiss your dreams
to be heartbroken again and driven home by his dad
to embarras yourself infront of your brothers friends
to dance so hard you litterally dont give a heouwjfdsh
those nights
to hyperthetically throw someone into the microwave
to do photoshoots in the garden whislt your parents are at work to prove you smoked once
to reinact tumblr poses and upload them into a summer 2009 album